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Hebrew Word of the Day for January

Jan. 1-Adonai (ah-doh-NIGH)-a name traditionally used in place of the 4 letter name for God.
Jan. 2-Aggadah (ahg-ga-DAH)-Non-legal rabbinic writings in the Talmud.
Jan. 3-Akeidah (ah-kay-DAH)-Binding (used as in the binding of Isaac)
Jan. 4-Amidah (ah-mee-DAH)-Standing (prayer), the central prayer of the 3 prescribed daily services.
Jan. 5-Bechor (be-KOHR)-firstborn
Jan. 6-Chayav (khai-YAV)-one who is obligated
Jan. 7-Chumash (KHOO-mahsh)-book form of the 5 books of Moses.

 1/8 - Chagim (khah-GEEM) - Festivals, particularly those described in Lev. 23

1/9 - Chevra (KHEV-rah) - friends or comrades
1/10 - Chesed (KHE-sed) - kindness
1/11 - Chumash (KHOO-mahsh) - the 5 books of the Torah bound in a book (not a scroll)
1/12 - Chametz (KHAH-metz) - leavened food, forbidden during Pesach (Passover)
1/13 - Dati (DAH-tee) - religious
1/14 - Lo Dati (Low DAH-tee) - not religious
1/15 - Din (Deen) - law/judgment
1/16 - D'var Torah (dee-vahr TO-rah) - word of Torah, a discourse, homily, or sermon
1/17 - Emet (EH-met) - truth
1/18 - Erev (E-rev) - Evening (the start of the Jewish day)
1/19 - Frum (Frum) - Observant (pious)
1/20 - Gemara (ge-MAH-rah) - learning (latter part of the Talmud which expands on the Mishnah)
1/21 - Haftarah (hahf-TAH-rah) - the selection from the bok of prophets read after the Torah reading
1/22 - Halacha (ha-lah-KHAH) - path (Jewish law)
1/23 - HaShem (ha-SHEM) - "The Name" - traditionally used as a substitute for the 4 letter name of God
1/24 - Heichal (hay-KHAL) - holy place of the Tabernacle/Temple containing the menorah, the table of shewbread, and the altar of incense
1/25 - Hillel (hee-LEL) - famous Torah teacher in the first century
1/26 - Kadosh (kah-DOHSH) - holy
1/27 - Kashrut (kahsh-ROOT) - system of Jewish dietary laws
1/28 - Klal (klal) - a general principle
1/29 - Kol Tuv (kohl-TOOV) - everything good (may you be blessed with everything good)
1/30 - Kotel (koh-TEL) - The Western Wall in Jerusalem
1/31 - Leshon Hara (le-shohn ha-RA) - "evil tongue" (defaming or badmouthing)
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