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Ways We Drift From God

 7 Warning Signs You Are Drifting From God:

1. You spend little, if any, time reading God’s Word and praying: “I’m just too busy right now to read and pray.”


2. The gospel doesn’t affect you like it used to: “I’ve heard it a thousand times before…it just seems a little old.”


3. You don’t spend much time in fellowship with other Christians: “I’ve worked hard, I’m tired, the last thing I want to do is go and be with other people.”


4. The sins that used to bother you don’t really bother you anymore: “This (blank) isn’t that bad. Others don’t care.”


5. You find yourself quieting your conscience more frequently: “I know it was wrong, and I’ll pray about it later.”


6. You keep promising yourself that you will stop: “OK, this is the last time I (blank).”


7. You find yourself making excuses for things: “I’m only doing (blank) a little; it’s not a big deal anymore.”
 Ways We Drift From


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