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Showing posts from July, 2023

July 30th Have a blessed day!!


July 29th- Good Morning!!


Trust Me...July 28th


God will sustain us...


Refuge Under His Feathers July 27th


Psalm 103: 1


Thank you Lord Jesus - July 26th


Good SUNDAY Morning!! July 23rd


July 22--To Do Today


Trusting God


Scripture References at a Glance- July 20th

Good Morning!!  Glory to God for His great love He has for us!!  Today is a very very warm day--feels like a sauna outside. I found this little gem online this morning and just had to share.  When we are feeling sad, afraid or need guidance, this is an easy reference to use. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers.  

July 19th


Morning July 18th


July 17th- Blessings

Good Morning !! I hope you had a great weekend!  Yesterday was a great day at Church. My pastor finished up our study of Romans 8. I have enjoyed this chapter so much. Personally, I am studying the Fruits of the Spirit.  This Southern woman has red beans and sausage in the crockpot. This is tradition that has passed down through my family and our southern culture. My Christian faith has also passed from generation to generation. May God bless you right now and heal broken hearts everywhere.

July 16th


Jesus IS the path to Peace



  Good Morning!!  I have had a really rough week or so with my back pain due to spinal stenosis. The pain was radiating around my hips and then down my legs. I tend to withdraw from the world when the pain is bad. I slept. A lot. I know that the ME/CFS has also affected me and my energy levels.  BUT....... I am so grateful and thankful to still be alive!!!  Thank you, God for all you do for me in good times and in bad times. I am thankful for the medications that made the pain somewhat bearable. I am grateful that God stays by my side when I am in tears because I cannot control my body.  Yes. I am unbelievably blessed.

Morning Glory!!! July 13th


Rise and Shine!! Give God the Glory!! July 11th


July 9th Fullness of JOY


I CAN do all things... July 6th


Afternoon--July 5th


Happy Independence Day--July4th


love, grace & gratitude


July 3rd --Be Blessed Today

  Dear Lord, Thank you for another day to praise Your Holy Name, YHWH. Please forgive my sins and show me the way to have a closer relationship with You. I pray blessings on my loved ones wherever they are and whatever circumstances they are in. Lord Jesus, give me wisdom and strength to always do Your will. Help me to be more worthy of You. Amen.

Good Morning!! July 2nd

  Good Sunday Morning!!  What does it mean to be "blessed"?  Google says that it means having divine favor and protection from God. God gives us gifts and one of them is His Love and Care. Provision of a loving home filled with love and compassion. Being successful in all things would be a blessing. There are moments set aside for humor and play. Life should not be dull and lifeless. God give us wisdom and knowledge about Himself and the Bible. He leads and guides us. Another blessing would be good health and healing. When I look at God's creation I see beauty, art, creativity and complexity. God blesses groups of believers. All of these things are given by God as blessings. He hears my prayers and answers. What a blessing!!

My Light in the Darkness-- July 1st